Review of Invitation to Biblical Interpretation
This is a book that
I wish had been available when I went to Bible college. This text is
crafted in such a way as to tie together, most helpfully, the history
of interpretation and the practical application of it. The
Hermenutical Triad that Kostenberger and Patterson have developed is
a very helpful guide to follow. This is a serious study for those who
are serious about study, weighing in at over 800 pages.
Each chapter is
outlined, and contains study questions, exercises and a bibliography.
One of my favorite chapters is chapter 6 where guidelines for
interpretation of poetry is discussed. Much discussion and
explanation is given for the various forms of parallelism and
imagery. One of my other favorite chapters is chapter 9 where
parables are discussed. I found the discussion on the Modern Period
and it's approach to allegory most helpful.
The Triad of
history, literature, and theology may sound simplistic. Assuredly it
is not. Chapter 16 “Using the Tools” Will help the student begin
to build a library and how to approach the different genres of
scripture. Step by step guidelines for exegesis are provided with
examples. The Appendex is 21 pages of recommendations for building a
biblical studies library.
This work will be
useful to the student and scholar alike. Anyone who desires to
communicate the message of scripture to others will find this a
helpful guide. I am grateful to Kregel Academic for providing me a
pdf copy at no charge for an unbiased review.