Thursday, June 06, 2013

Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections of God

Anyone who wishes that the church in America today would have a clearer focus on Holiness needs to read this book. But a word of caution, be careful what you wish for. A quote from the preface gives a foretaste of the ten marvelous chapters;

“By raising our gaze, we come to understand the universal testimony of holy men in the pages of sacred Scripture, who, having had a momentary glimpse of the character of God, were reduced to trembling in dust and in ashes. I believe the church desperately needs this perspective like never before.” -R.C. Sproul

Each of the chapters of this little book is rich for devotion, meditation, and study. I have benefited greatly by my reading of it and I plan to keep it close for further reflection. These words are powerful with scripture and worthy of second and third helpings.

Ligonier Ministries has in these pages assembled some of the finest pastors and scholars in in America (and the Cayman Islands)

Contributors include: Thabiti Anyabwile, Alistair Begg, D.A. Carson, Sinclair B. Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven J. Lawson, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., Derek W.H. Thomas

In chapter 1 titled I Am the Lord”: The Only God, R.C. Sproul gives an excellent background on the nature of God and His uniqueness contrasting scripture with popular thought.

The chapters that follow are also excellent. I was especially moved by Sinclair Ferguson's comments in chapter 2 about unfolding the mystery. God has made us not only to have communion with Him, but in such a way that we can grasp and appreciate what that communion is like. . . . No man else may lock eyes with my wife and gaze at her the way I am privileged to do and say, “I love you with all of my being.” (pg 21.)

Thabiti Anyabwile in chapter 5 speaking about sin as treason says, “Beware the evidence of treason that resists correction. Resolve now, while you are in your right mind, while you are sober, that if at any
point a brother or sister should speak to correct you, you will receive that correction with God’s help. You cannot develop holiness of character in a pinch.(pg. 69.)

Lastly I'd like to mention that D.A. Carson gives much to chew on when he writes, “there is no biblical passage that says “be omnipotent, for I am omnipotent.” Let’s face it, omnipotence is an incommunicable attribute of God. On the other hand, there are many passages that enjoin us to love. God is love, and love is a communicable attribute of God.” and “holy means “separate” and they point out that God is utterly separate. But did the voices around the throne in Isaiah 6:3 really cry, “Separate, separate, separate is the Lord Almighty”? and “Moral, moral, moral is the Lord Almighty”? No. At its core, in the tightest concentric circle, holy is almost an adjective for God.” (pg 80.)

As you can see this book offers much to think about no matter what your tradition. If you value the scriptures you will be built up by reading this work. I commend it to all.

Reformation Trust Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes for which I am eternally grateful. 

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