Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Fixed vs Fluid

 I didn't attempt to be poetic, but after rereading this I thought I should post it. 

What if things that are fixed became fluid?
Things like the sun always rises at this point at this time.
Monday always turns into Tuesday never Sunday.
Acorns grow into oaks. Is their growing fluid or fixed?

And what if things that are fluid became fixed?
I can choose meat or vegetables. I can travel to Paris or Rome.
I can study math and football yet become a gardener.
Gardners planting acorns are growing oaks. Is their planting fixed or fluid?

Where is the boundary between things fixed and things fluid?
Between land and sea, between air and outer-space, between life and death?
What if Alice in Wonderland woke up inside Groundhog Day?


You set a boundary that they may not pass,
so that they might not again cover the earth.
 Psalm 104:9

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